5 tips for Working with Micro-influencers to Boost your Public Health Campaigns

Originally published by: JSI
Original author: Jessica Holli & Clancey Bateman
Originally published on: October 6, 2020

Man with pride flag


In 2020, we are flooded with messages fighting for our attention, time, and money. Public health campaigns have to compete with the up to 5,000 advertisements and messages that individuals receive every day. How can we, as health communicators, cut through the noise to reach our audiences with important information about health topics?

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Promoting Digital Equity and Opportunity in the Time of COVID-19

Originally published by: American Institutes for Research
Original author: Trent Sharp
Originally published on: September 10, 2020

Children at school wearing masks

As part of my technical assistance work at AIR, I spent this summer meeting with a team of 10 principals in Austin, Texas. This group has worked to leverage their collective impact initiative, called NACER, as they responded to the coronavirus pandemic and the moral imperatives that have surfaced through the Black Lives Matter movement. Being a principal is complex work under normal circumstances. These days, the magnitude of the job is hard to wrap your head around.

Our weekly virtual meetings have been wide-ranging. Beyond core academics and student services, we regularly grappled with issues surrounding food distribution, utility assistance, health screenings, contact tracing, housing vulnerability, transportation, coronavirus-induced student migration and teacher shortages, and shepherding anti-racist professional development—just to name a few. The principals’ stories offer a glimpse into how multiple systems overlap inequitably across communities. After each meeting, I was reminded of the decades of educational research showing how student learning is nested within and shaped by place-specific “geographies of educational opportunity” that advantage some and disadvantage others.

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Unlocking the complexities of mental health

Originally published by: ICF Next
Original author: Vijay Madyastha and Caroline Bostwick
Originally published on: July 22, 2020

Understanding the correlation to behavior with Protected Health Information constraints.

Along with the regular stressors of everyday life, the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic, financial, and public health turmoil have brought additional layers of anxiety and fear to every individual’s home. Aside from working, taking care of loved ones, and completing daily tasks, people across the country now have to worry about the health and safety of themselves and their loved ones as novel coronavirus cases continue to increase across the parts of the globe.

Without a doubt, 2020 has taken a toll on American mental health. The Kaiser Family Foundation recently found that 45% of adults in the U.S. reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted this year.  And as mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression increase, levels of health risk behaviors (i.e. excessive alcohol and drug use, smoking, and reduced level of exercise) also trend upwards.

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How to Ensure the COVID-19 Vaccine Protects Black and LatinX Communities

Originally published by: JSI
Originally published on: July 29, 2020

Bisola Ojikutu


JSI senior consultant and JSI Research & Training board member Bisola O. Ojikutu has published two opinion pieces on the impending COVID-19 vaccines and their potential effect on Black and Latinx communities.

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Writing About Race, Racism, and Disease Risk

Originally published by: CommunicateHealth
Originally published on: August 20, 2020

Racism graphic

Here at We ❤ Health Literacy Headquarters, we’ve been thinking a lot about how we discuss race, racism, and risk in our health materials. And with COVID-19 killing Black people and other people of color at vastly disproportionate rates, it’s more urgent than ever to get this tricky conversation right.

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